I almost hesitate to add to the barrage of post coming from all over the world. With the younger PG and KSB singers in West Virginia and 60 members of KSB currently in Raettvik, Sweden, it may come off as bragging when I say the oldest PG singers have safely arrived in Barcelona, Spain,

But we’re going to tell you about it anyway.

After over 24 hours of traveling, we landed in the new Barcelona airport in the early afternoon. We were all pretty exhausted before we went on the walking tour, but now we are a special kind of loopy tired that only tour can bring on.

We’ve already experienced the excitement of Las Ramblas, a multi-section walking street in the city center. With beautiful architecture of many different eras, there was almost too many things to grab out attention as we tried to take in as much as we could in 90 minutes. One thing we did stop for was churros before dinner- don’t tell Mr. Metallo.

The boys are celebrating midsommar while in Sweden and enjoying the unusual event of not having any nighttime. Here in Barcelona, daylight lasted well into the 10:00pm hour and so it’s almost as if we are experiencing it together. We’re even in the same timezone right now! Hi KSB!

Tonight the girls are off to bed earlier than usual as a few fell asleep at dinner. We have an incredible day planned for tomorrow and it includes la Sagrada Familia which for many of us has been on the lifetime sightseeing “bucket list.”

A few photos from the past two days below. More about our time here tomorrow!










What happens when Tour Group A runs into Tour Group B on the street.