It’s a good thing we all love Dr. Snow because we sure do see a lot of her!

Today we had almost five hours of rehearsal in preparation for our “teaser” concert at the Hult Center this evening. No worries though, there’s always time for a snack break here at PICFest…

Group snack break (and photo break)

Group snack break (and photo break)

Dr. Snow worked with us for most of the day and promised prize for the two most outstanding singers for the day. Our own Stevie took the prize (a stuffed bear named Duckie!) for his unwavering focus and ability to help those around him focus as well.

Stevie won Duckie!

Stevie won Duckie!

After our day of rehearsal, we rushed off to the dorms to change for tonight’s concert. This meant we had to have dinner in our formal attire! Augh! Luckily no spills!

Singers belt "Let It Go" around the piano.

Singers belt “Let It Go” around the piano.

After dinner we gathered in our favorite air conditioned lounge (it was 93 degrees today- hotter than Philly!) and had a little singalong. “Let It Go” from “Frozen” seems to still be a crowd favorite… One day they’ll stop liking that song so much, right??

One warm bus ride later and we were at the Hult Center, the premier concert venue in Eugene.

A group photo of all the singers at PICFest.

A group photo of all the singers at PICFest.

 It was so fabulous to see each choir in they formal attire. The Hail Mary the Queen Choir has SIX different uniforms and all are beautiful and handmade by their parents! Mr. Fisher and Mr. Metallo- can we get something like they have? Which parents out there can sew?? We’re all on board over here…

We had a little pre-concert fun: Kirk led us in a warm up exercise. Today, Concert Choir member; tomorrow: PICFest Artistic Director!

Kirk leads rehearsal!

Kirk leads rehearsal!

The performance in the lobby of the Hult Center was stunning and it was only the teaser! With so much improvement in just 2 days- we’re eager to hear what they sound like on Sunday at our Gala concert!

After our mini-concert, we headed in the the concert hall to hear the Oregon Bach Festival ensemble sing Haydn’s Creation. This work is one that I believe many of you may know selections from but have probably not heard it in full.

It was a wonderful concert, but we were all pretty tired out from another long day. Some of us may have taken naps in our seats- Mr. Robb, the artistic director of PICFest said it was OK! Shhh! Even if we didn’t hear the whole piece with our ears, I’m sure we absorbed it through our pores by just being in that room 🙂

Our performance with the PICFest mass choir at the Hult Center.

Our performance with the PICFest mass choir at the Hult Center.

Tomorrow we get a whole extra half-hour to sleep in! Hooray!

More tomorrow! Goodnight from Oregon!